Monday, October 8, 2007

2 Waiting for the Youngest Eagles Fan to Arrive

Thanks to Katie O'Brien and Jen Kukorlo, Baby Doc has started rooting for the Eagles at a VERY young age!

1 Baby Watch at 39 weeks

Today is Columbus Day, 10/8/07, and the babe is supposedly due tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath. It is hard enough the breathe! Our last doc appointment was on 10/3/07 and the baby hadn't moved down yet. Our doc ordered a sonogram, from which, on 10/5/07, it was estimated that he is at 8 lbs, 7 oz. so far. The sono also confirmed that he is indeed a boy, and he posed for a couple glamor shots, albeit with is hand in front of his mouth. But it was amazing to see he has hair on this head and his father's nose! Our next appt. is tomorrow. I hope there has been some progress because he is running out of room in there!

Below are photos from our family trip to Hawaii while 7 months pregnant.