Friday, April 11, 2008

32 Liam, the Action Figure and Aloha Baby

Liam is 6 months old today! (Again. We have been celebrating his 6 month birthday since he turned 24 weeks on March 27th.) Kari's soccermate, Melani, came over today to pay with Liam while Kari was at work. Ben and Melani put Liam in Aloha shorts which Aunts Margi and April bought him while he was in utero on our trip to Hawaii in July of 2007.
Liam "At the Office." Daddy put Liam in hightops snapped some shots for mommy and e-mailed them to her at work to brighten her day. =) Fancy footwork at "the office."

Changing table. The light blue top is from Kari's co-worker.

We aren't sure where the shoes came from. Kari thought they were hand me downs from Erin Gibson, but Erin didn't think so. Maybe they are hand-me-downs from the McCarthys. ??? Anyway - We LOVE them.