Monday, May 12, 2008

37 Happiest Mother's Day Ever!

Above, Liam tries to eat Kari's Mother's Day balloon. =)
Kari had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day! The ballon was accompanied by lovely cards, a beautiful pink hydrangea, breakfast in bed, a piece of art that Liam crinkled himself, and another piece of art that Daddy and Liam made at story time at the library.
The three of us went out for lunch to Ireland's Four Courts, Mommy gave the baby a bath in the big tub for the first time, Aunt Joan, Uncle Randy and Grandmother Lavinia called, Ben did multiple load of laundry (mommy's favorite gift), Aunt Jenny brought us dinner and a charm for Kari's charm bracelet of a little boy with Liam's name and birth date engraved on it, and Kari played 2 indoor soccer games, which she survived with just a fat lip after being nailed in the face with the ball. AND Grandpa Royce sent flowers.
Just perfect! =)
Thanks everyone!