Sunday, March 16, 2008

30 Five Months Old

Liam, the accountant, helping us with our taxes.

Lazy Sunday morning at home with Daddy.

The most beautiful baby ever in the history of babies. =)
(Mom is not at all biased.)
Liam has not only found his toes, but he can pull his pacifier out of his mouth and put it back in all by himself! He is rather mobile in his crib too. We put him down for the night with his head to the north and when we go to wake him up in the morning, his head is to the south!
He is a very happy baby! He has lots of smiles for everyone he meets.
Liam's favorite new past time - the Rainforest Jumperoo! He loves to jump, jump, jump around and laugh at Duke and Daisy as they run by. He is learning the Irish River Dance! =)

Liam's other favorite past time...Tummy Time with daddy. He can hold himself up on his elbows and reach for a toy.

The Golden Child.

Liam's t-shirt says: "What cho talkin' 'bout Willis?"

Before bathtime with Mommy.

Family trip to Old Town Alexandria.

Below is an old photo from December, but it is one of my favorites:

29 Mom and Baby Yoga

Our last class of mom and baby Yoga. Sharon Sevenson, our instructor, is holding Liam, far left. It was a great class, including Itsy Bitsy Yoga, Infant Massage, and much needed Yoga for mom.
Sharon and Liam. Liam is wearing a onesie that says Namaste from his Great Aunt Sheila. Ben and Kari took Yoga Birth classes with Sharon, and Kari took Pre-natal Yoga with her as well.

Great shot of Adrienne with baby Henry.