Monday, June 2, 2008

39 Pantywaist Adventure Race

Liam "chillaxin'" on the dock at Jack's Boat House on the Potomac River in Georgetown.
On June 11th, he'll be 8 months old.

Ben, Laim and I had the very great pleasure of participating in the somewhat annual "Snail's Pace, Stuff Your Face, Pantywaist, Adventure Race" this past weekend. I'm happy to report that a fantastic time was had by all.

The "race", which is the brainchild of our friend Tish King, has four legs: 1) run 3 miles on the Custis Trail from Tish's house in Ballston to Jack's Boat House on the Potomac River in Georgetown, 2) kayak up to and around Three Sister's Islands, or whatever you feel like doing for an hour, 3) bike back to Tish's house, 4) chill out and enjoy new and old friends as you dine on some wonderful grilled food and fresh fruit in Tish's picturesque back yard. It was wonderful. Thanks to my father for his birthday present of a jog stoller which converts to a bike trailer, Liam, Ben, and I were able to do legs 1, 3, and 4 together. Above is a photo of Liam NOT doing leg 2.

Still to come is a photo of Liam doing Leg 4 - laying on Tish's hammock enjoying the gorgeous day after all his running and biking. =)