Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Liam was Sporty Spice for Thanksgiving. He sarted off wearing a cute outfit of olive colored corduroy pants and coordinated professorial sweater, complete with matching olive colored elbow patches, but alas, he peed on it during he nap. O-well. =)

Liam loves his new Momma and Baby Elephant toys from Auntie Jenny! We exchanged some Christmas gifts early since Ben, Liam and I will be in Philly for the holiday.

Liam cruising the living room at Chez Fiore.

Liam with Aunt Jenny in the sunroom at Chez Fiore.

Liam steals Aunts Margi and April's pen.

For some reason, Liam loves dog bowls. Especially when they have water in them, which luckily, this one does not.

Liam, with is tiny baby cousins, Avery and Addison. Addison is in the red sweater, behind Liam.

My niece, Kaitlan, holding my newest niece, Avery.

Dad and his girl, Lady Jane.

Dad and my sister, Jennifer.

Colonel Sanders

Friday, October 24, 2008

Liam's Birthday

"Little" Liam turned one year old on Oct. 11th. As you can see, he has officially outgrown the adjective "little."

Liam shares a birthday with his cousin Kaitlan, pictured here, who turned 20 years old.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

43 Recent Bike Ride

Last Sunday, Daddy, Liam and I went for a bike ride through Holmes Run Park. The ride was also to time the route to Liam's daycare so I can drop him off via bicycle during the week. We concluded that the ride takes a little over a half an hour, one way. We stopped so Liam could enjoy sitting in the grass in the park.

On Tuesday, I biked Liam to daycare singing, "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day! I've got a beautiful feeling, everything is going my way!" and "Oh what a beautiful baby, Oh what a beautiful boy! I've got a beautiful baby, he's my bundle of joy!" (These lyrics are compliments of the baby's daddy.)

I felt as if we were in the "Sound of Music" or "Oklahoma" - waving at everyone we saw and wishing them an enthusiastic: "Good morning!!" =)

Liam, was all smiles when we arrived at Nanny's. I think he enjoyed it as much as I did. I hope to do it again sometime soon.

Maybe next time we'll sing:
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, My, oh, my, what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine headin' my way, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!

Photo of Ben's "Liam wall" at work, on which the above photo hangs with others.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

42 More Summer Fun

Liam sports his cool shades in our front yard to kick off Summer 2008.

Above, Daddy and Liam read the Sunday paper together. Below, Liam thinks it is hilarious to steal Mommy's newspaper. Mommy thinks it is pretty funny too. =)

Above and right, Mommy and Liam visited Daddy in Old Town Alexandria where he was providing colonial history pedi-tours.

Mommy and Liam getting ready for a run.

Luckily, Liam loves to laugh a lot!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

41 Deep Creek Lake 2008

In early June, the Fiore Clan got away for a week-long vacation at beautiful Deep Creek Lake, in western Maryland. Liam had a wonderful time with his extended family, and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed some time together water skiing and jetskiing while Grandpa Walker, Aunties Jenny, Eileen, and Margi provided some childcare.

Liam entertaining himself on the Living Room couch.

Liam shows Anutie Jenny how he can hold his bottle all by himslef...well, almost!

Liam and Grandpa Walker enjoyed many meals together during his visit.

Mommy and Daddy thoroughly enjoyed taking Liam swimming for the first time in Drift Away's indoor pool.

Kari took the ride of her life with her daredevil brother on his Harley. She wasn't entirely sure she would make it back alive!

We all enjoyed the beautiful house and grounds of Drift Away.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

40 Margi and April's Wedding

Kari's sister, Margi (right), and her girlfriend, April, were married in a lovely ceremony at a Unitarian Church in Baltimore Memorial Day weekend.

Liam enjoyed meeting his relatives who traveled in from out of town for the big event. Liam's outfit for the wedding was a shower gift from Mrs. Val McCarthy, a long-time family friend and former neighbor.

Liam slept beautifully in his pack-n-play/crib in the hotel room. Here, Liam is in his sleep sack and Daddy is in his p.j.'s and they are both in bed the morning of the wedding.

Kari's neice's daughter, 4-year-old Taylor, gets along well with little Liam...until ...Liam decides that he needs Taylor's lolly pop!

But all is well that ends well. No hard feelings.

Liam with Aunt Jenny at the rehersal dinner.

Kari and her younger sister, Jennifer, in a park in Baltimore, before the wedding.

Mommy and Daddy after the reception at a wonderful Italian restaurant in Baltimore.

Amanda Fiore, Kari's niece, at the wedding reception.

Monday, June 2, 2008

39 Pantywaist Adventure Race

Liam "chillaxin'" on the dock at Jack's Boat House on the Potomac River in Georgetown.
On June 11th, he'll be 8 months old.

Ben, Laim and I had the very great pleasure of participating in the somewhat annual "Snail's Pace, Stuff Your Face, Pantywaist, Adventure Race" this past weekend. I'm happy to report that a fantastic time was had by all.

The "race", which is the brainchild of our friend Tish King, has four legs: 1) run 3 miles on the Custis Trail from Tish's house in Ballston to Jack's Boat House on the Potomac River in Georgetown, 2) kayak up to and around Three Sister's Islands, or whatever you feel like doing for an hour, 3) bike back to Tish's house, 4) chill out and enjoy new and old friends as you dine on some wonderful grilled food and fresh fruit in Tish's picturesque back yard. It was wonderful. Thanks to my father for his birthday present of a jog stoller which converts to a bike trailer, Liam, Ben, and I were able to do legs 1, 3, and 4 together. Above is a photo of Liam NOT doing leg 2.

Still to come is a photo of Liam doing Leg 4 - laying on Tish's hammock enjoying the gorgeous day after all his running and biking. =)